To present from~2000
Designated as a venture business evaluation institution
Acquired the credit information business license
Launched guarantee business for cultural industry
Moved the headquarter to Daegu
Revision of the Credit Guarantee Fund Act (legislation of guarantee-linked investment work)
Revision of the Credit Guarantee Fund Act (legislation of SPC guarantee work)
Transferred credit information business to Korea Enterprise Data
Handled sales receivables insurance business
Transferred the housing financing credit guarantee business to the Korea Housing Finance Corporation
Commenced P-CBO guarantee business for SMES and Middle-standing companies
Implemented the special P-CBO guarantee system
Took over the management of the Housing Finance Credit Guarantee Fund
Started bill insurance services
Established the SOC based credit guarantee fund
Transferred technology credit guarantee work to the Korea Technology Finance Corporation
Moved the head office to Gongdeok-dong, Seoul
Founded the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (head office at former Daewoo Building)
Establishment and dissemination of the Credit Guarantee Fund Act
8.3 Emergency economic action (Presidential Urgent Decree No. 15)
Enforcement of the Act on the Credit Guarantee for Medium and Small Enterprises
Implementation of the Credit Guarantee Reserve Fund System